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Running a local business in Toronto? Want to get more customers by ranking higher in local search results? In this article we will discuss about that How to Future Proof Your Local Business Search Rankings read more here

Improving your local search rankings takes effort but is totally doable. Toronto’s SEO experts use these ways to future proof your rankings and bring in more customers.

Local Business Search Rankings

Focus on E-A-T

E-A-T helps websites be super good for you! Imagine E-A-T like a recipe for a great website. It stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Expertise means knowing a lot about something. Imagine you have a special team. They have special awards, and they help lots of people. It makes them experts! On a website, they can show off their awards and talk about what they know in blogs and stories.

Authoritativeness means being really important and trustworthy. Think of it like a teacher at school. When a teacher speaks, you know it’s right. On a website, they can write smartly, answer questions, and look professional. It shows they are important!

Trustworthiness means you can trust them, like a best friend. Websites can be friendly, too! They can ask their friends (customers) to say good things about them. They can also be nice on social media and show you they are honest. If they promise something, they keep their promise.

When a website has E-A-T, it’s like having the best ingredients for a cake. Google, the internet helper, likes these good websites and puts them at the top so you can find them easily!

Get Your Google My Business Listing in Shape

Having a complete and optimized Google My Business listing is essential for local search visibility.

Here are key steps for optimizing your listing:

  • Fill out all fields – description, address, phone number, photos, etc.
  • Include good descriptions for your products and services.
  • Set accurate business hours and check for Google review requests. Respond to all reviews.
  • Add photos that showcase your business. Add virtual tours if possible.
  • Verify your listing for increased credibility.
  • Encourage customer reviews and respond professionally.

Take the time to fully flesh out your listing. A strong profile signals to Google that you’re an authoritative local business.

Build Local Links

Link building is still crucial for SEO. Focus on getting local directories, newspaper sites, chamber of commerce pages, and industry associations to link to you.

Also pursue partnerships with complementary local businesses. Swap links to build your local authority.

Quality local links indicate you’re a trusted player in Toronto. This gives your rankings a boost.

Optimize for Local Keywords

Research terms Toronto customers are searching for and optimize your content accordingly.

Do people search “Toronto accountants” or something more specific like “small business accountants in North York”? Make sure you target the right keywords.

Weave focused local keywords into your page titles, headlines, text, image names, and URL slugs. This clearly tells Google what you offer locally.

Get Customer Reviews

Customer reviews on Google, Facebook, and third-party sites like Yelp heavily influence local search rankings. Yet many businesses don’t proactively collect reviews.

  • Add review widgets to your website.
  • Email customers asking them to leave an honest review.
  • Put up signage requesting reviews.
  • Train staff to politely ask for reviews.

Reviews build local trust and authority. Solicit them from happy customers.

Claim and Update All Directory Listings

Consumers use directories like YellowPages.com to find local businesses. Make sure your NAP (name, address, phone) details are correct on top directories. This helps reinforce your local authority.

Key directories to claim or request listings on include:

  • Google My Business
  • Yelp
  • TripAdvisor
  • YellowPages.com
  • Mapquest
  • Hotfrog
  • ThreeBestRated

Keep all listings updated as your business information changes. Inaccurate details hurt visibility.


To make sure people can easily find your business, you can follow these important tips. Show that your business is trustworthy by sharing good information. Also, make sure your business details are correct online. Make friends with other local businesses online, which can help more people find you. 

Use words in your website that people in Toronto might use when they’re looking for things. Ask your happy customers to write nice things about your business online. Finally, always check that your business information is right in phone books and websites.